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Mixing Coffee and Cannabis: A New Way To Wake N Bake

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Coffee and Cannabis are two of the World’s most favored products in the world.

But do they pair well together? We think so!

Cannabis and Coffee A New Way To Wake N Bake
Cannabis Infused Coffee


Over half of Americans crawl out of bed & drink at least one cup of coffee every day.

It’s no secret that some Stoners enjoy sparking up within minutes of waking.

According to a recent Global study - 21.9% of Americans who smoke weed also claim they begin smoking within 1 hour of waking up.

Global Cannabis Drug Study Science Mixing Cannabis and Coffee
Global Drug Survey

Most early-bird smokers like to set the tone for the day by pairing their smoke with a warm cup of coffee/tea.

Many Americans suffer from chronic pain, nausea, anxiety, PTSD, and other conditions. Something as simple as a joint in the morning can alleviate a lot of pain and provide a variety of health benefits.

Who wouldn’t want to start Monday morning pain / stress-free?

The dynamic duo - Cannabis and Coffee - seems to be the sweet spot for a lot of early risers.


Drinking Cannabis Coffee

These two sensations, THC & Caffeine, dance around in your body with each sip.

Although specific effects differ for each person, Research has confirmed that coffee and cannabis affect the same part of the brain. And when combined, can improve memory function at a higher rate than when consuming coffee by itself.

As the Cannabis market grows & evolves in the U.S, Stoners have more to look forward to when it comes to "Waking and Baking".

Whether you choose to start your morning with a joint, a waxy dab, or a few tasty edibles, there is no denying the growing selection.

Cannabis Infused Sugar

Humboldt County California is celebrating a fresh, new perspective for those looking to elevate their morning routine with Cannabis.

Women-owned and operated by two best friends, Humboldt Sugar crafted an extremely unique product for Stoners to enjoy - Cannabis-Infused Sugar!

Cannabis Infused Sugar Coffee Humboldt Sugar Co California County
Humboldt Sugar Co.

Save time in the morning & grab yourself a cup of Cannabis-infused Coffee!

"Humboldt Sugar has turned your everyday sweetener into a focusing and joyful microdose option."

- Luca Belloiu,

These organic infused sugars are made with recyclable containers at 5MG per Stick or 10MG per spoon.

With Humboldt Sugar, you can say goodbye to worrying about smelling like weed or getting “too high” when walking into work at 8 AM.

Stir some sugar right into your coffee/tea, set your intentions for the day, and embrace the happy-high holding you for hours.

Remember if you’re new to Cannabis consumption, you should always start low & add more if needed. Please use caution when consuming edibles and consume at your own risk.

Infused Cannabis Sugar Humboldt County California Coffee Marijuana
Humboldt Sugar 5mg packet

The world is changing fast, and Humboldt Sugar Co exists to highlight the positive benefits of the marijuana plant and lifestyle. The copious findings of health studies support that cannabis promotes health and wellness in numerous ways. Our experience and expertise has shown us personally how cannabis is a tool to help get the most out of life - to amplify exactly how sweet it is.” - Humboldt Sugar


YOU CAN BAKE WITH CANNABIS INFUSED SUGAR (really baking this time… like brownies!)

Humboldt Sugar loves new experiences & making new recipes. Not only can you drop these sugars in any cold or hot beverage but you get creative in the kitchen and bake some of your very own infused treats.

You can check out more recipes here: Humboldt Recipes





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